Friday, January 29, 2021

IGROW - A problem solving and decision making methodology

Do you find problem solving or decision making difficult?  Do you delay making decisions because you're not quite sure if it's the right decision? 

In this chat, I share a problem solving and decision making methodology called IGROW.

I - Issue - What is the current issue, what is the problem?

G - Goal - What would you like to achieve if you could solve this problem or make this decision?

R - Reality - What is the reality of the situation.  What are the facts?  What is the context?  

O - Options - What are the possible solutions, options, or alternatives?

W - Will - What will you commit to do?  And when?

#problemsolving #decisionmaking #problem #decision #IGROW #GROW #issue #goal #reality #options #Will #commit #commitment

An often-overlooked factor to consider when making decisions

The factor I want to talk about today is time.  Think about the decisions you made recently whether they be for work or personal.  How often...