Friday, July 2, 2021

Use TAPS to be a better Coach and Mentor

In short, coaching is helping someone else to reach their full potential.  By coaching, you are helping them to learn how to think instead of teaching them something.  Coaching is a good tool to use when their problems are personal, emotional, or complex.

Mentoring on the other hand is a good tool to teach something linear or procedural.

The TAPS model is a 2x2 with a vertical axis that on the bottom has TELL, and on the top has ASK.  On the horizontal axis, on the left it has PROBLEM, and an the right it has SOLUTION.  The first letter of these words spells TAPS.
  • In the bottom left quadrant you have TELL/PROBLEM - Consulting / Managing
  • In the bottom right quadrant you have TELL SOLUTION - Mentoring
  • In the top left you have ASK/PROBLEM - Counseling
  • In the top right you have ASK/SOLUTION - Coaching

In this chat I also cover several examples of each of these quadrants and share some coaching questions.

An often-overlooked factor to consider when making decisions

The factor I want to talk about today is time.  Think about the decisions you made recently whether they be for work or personal.  How often...