Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Effective Meeting Outcomes

Are you spending too much time in meetings and the meetings you do attend are ineffective?  

In this chat I talk about how to reduce the number of meetings you attend and how to make the ones you do attend more effective.

In order to reduce the number of meeting you are attending, if you are the meeting holder, ask yourself a few questions:

Do I need outside input to make progress?  If not, then just schedule time to do your own work? Do I need real-time input from others?  If not, send an email. If you decide you do need real-time outside input then follow the following meeting guidelines to have more effective meetings.

1.  Identify a desired outcome.  What do you want to have accomplished by the end of that specific meeting.

Direction Alignment/Influence Decision Help Needed

2.  Get the right people in the room to facilitate your desired outcome

Decision makers Stakeholders Team members

3.  Properly facilitate the meeting

Start with articulating the desired outcome of the meeting and the agenda Actively manage the agenda Resist the urge to work problems that come up

4.  Take notes and send out meeting minutes

Have a template for taking notes A good start is: Context; Direction; Alignment' Decisions; Help Needed; Actions; Next Steps

5.  Have a follow-up plan if you did not reach your desired outcome

Schedule follow-up meetings for specific outcomes that were not reached Set aggressive but appropriate deadlines Hold each other accountable for actions and commitments

An often-overlooked factor to consider when making decisions

The factor I want to talk about today is time.  Think about the decisions you made recently whether they be for work or personal.  How often...